Friday, February 22, 2013

March for Babies 2013 - Passaic County, NJ

Click here to register today!

New York Cares Coat Drive THANK YOU!

      Had to share this nice thank you note from New York Cares. This year the NY Location collected 17 coats!

If you do not see the images below, please visit for information about our holiday programs.

Thank you for taking part in the 24th Annual New York Cares Coat Drive, and for making it our most successful year ever.

With the help of collection sites like yours, we collected more than 120,000 coats this winter. These coats were distributed to 400 nonprofit agencies - including homeless shelters, community organizations and public schools - that serve our economically disadvantaged neighbors.
From all of us at New York Cares, along with the men, women, and children you helped keep warm this winter, we thank you for making this a record-breaking year.


Colleen Smallfield,
Director, Service Events

Barbara Glassman
Director, Corporate Relations

Thursday, February 21, 2013

#26Acts of Kindness at Berkeley College

In January and February, Berkeley College students were urged to commit random acts of Kindness in honor of the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy, joining the nationwide #26Acts Movement started by news anchor Ann Curry.

Here are some highlights:

International Blogger Jose Navarro was inspired to leave a $10 MetroCard with a handwritten note for a lucky stranger:

Read more about Jose's experience here.

Paramus Students jotted their acts of kindness on the Student Development White Board:

Here are some highlights from our @BerkeleyCollege Twitter feed:

Just because our Berkeley Campaign has officially ended, don't let that stop you from sharing a kind smile, holding a door, or donating your time, money, or more. 

Who's life will YOU change?

Friday, February 1, 2013

RecycleMania 2013 at Woodland Park

RecycleMania 2013 is Here! From February 4-April 5, 2013 we will be tracking our recycling and reducing our waste on campus to compete nationwide! Each Berkeley Location will be competing for the title of Berkeley College RecycleMania Champion!


RecycleMania is a friendly competition and benchmarking tool for college and university recycling programs to promote waste reduction activities to their campus communities. Over an 8-week period each spring, colleges across the United States and Canada report the amount of recycling and trash collected each week and are in turn ranked in various categories based on who recycles the most on a per capita basis, as well as which schools have the best recycling rate as a percentage of total waste and which schools generate the least amount of combined trash and recycling.  With each week’s updated ranking, participating schools follow their performance against other colleges and use the results to rally their campus to reduce and recycle more.

Check out these awesome events coming up at the Woodland Park Location! For information on events at your location, contact your Director of Student Development and Campus Life

Refreshments to be served

Refreshments to be served

Teens need your Jeans!

Tweet or Instagram @BerkeleyCollege to win!